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MetaZoo Cryptid Nation Spellbook [Second Edition]

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With the Veil between our world and all things magical mysteriously shattered, it is up to you to become a powerful enough Caster to fight the menacing Indrid Cold and his powerful Cryptids....or join their ranks! Will you form a Contract with the benevolent Bigfoot and Fearsome Critters to protect our forests, or embrace the flying catastrophe that is The Mothman? The choice is yours in MetaZoo: Cryptid Nation!

The MetaZoo: Cryptid Nation™ Spellbook is a fantastic place to start! This kit comes with everything players or collectors will need to get a strong start for their MetaZoo hobby!

Spellbook Contents:

  • 10x MetaZoo: Cryptid Nation™ Booster Packs
  • 1x Exclusive MetaZoo: Cryptid Nation™ Holographic Promo Card
  • 1x MetaZoo metallic coin
  • 1x MetaZoo rulebook
  • 1x 60ct MetaZoo sleeves
  • 1x MetaZoo Map
  • 1x MetaZoo Token Sheet
  • 1x MetaZoo Sealed Aura deck